Leading Design London 2023 has now finished. Check out the programme for our upcoming Leading Design London 2024 event https://leadingdesign.com/conf...

Līga Lētiņa

Liga is Head of Design at Printify, Print on demand platform, leading a remote first multidisciplinary team of product designers, researchers, graphic designers and photo & 3D designers. Liga is an experienced UX, service design leader with 12+ years of experience in design and strong believer in co-creation and collaboration methods for successful teams that create great products.

Prior Printify Liga was leading New initiatives at If P&C Insurance - working on digital transformation and automatisation projects, as well as promoting Design thinking approach in insurance business and engineering driven culture.

Liga has been actively involved in UX/Service design community development as a founder and curator of UX Riga conference, UI/UX Riga meet-up co-organiser, Global Service Jam Riga organiser, mentor and Tech-track Lead in Riga Tech Girls mentorship program.

Līga Lētiņa

About the talk

Building trust: A path for strong teams navigating through change

- Barbican Centre

Starting a new job can be an exciting time, but not when your second day involves layoffs.

This is what happened for Liga Letina. At Leading Design she'll share the story of how, as a newly appointed Head of Design, her first task was to rebuild a broken team and restore trust in the company. You'll hear about the impactful positive changes she made so that within a couple of months trust was restored, collaboration increased, and the team were more united than ever before.

Without trust, teams can suffer from fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and little attention to results. There are remedies to these dysfunctions that we can all implement to improve life for our teams.

We will touch on the role of vulnerability, empathy, embracing the present, and identifying a shared goal. In the wake of the ongoing layoffs, these strategies are more important than ever in order for teams to thrive and achieve results.

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