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Remya Ramesh

A design leader, Remya Ramesh has been growing and leading multidisciplinary global teams for nearly two decades. With a business, design, and technology background, Remya weaves nuanced interdisciplinary thinking into inclusive digital product experiences.

Remya is passionate about women in tech and addressing pay inequality. She mentors and coaches women-identifying and non-binary folks to advance into positions of influence by leveraging their strengths, skills and experience.

You can find her climbing mount “tsundoku” in her spare time, preparing for her marathon dream or discovering new food joints.

Remya Ramesh

About the talk

Leading the change you do not believe in

- Barbican Centre

Often as leaders, we are on the hook to deliver changes — likely, we believe in these changes, but there are circumstances when we do not.

What should we do as leaders? Should we adapt, compromise, or take even bolder steps?

In this talk, Remya will explore why it sometimes matters to have loosely held strong opinions; at other times, we need to be true to who we are.

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