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Lou Downe

Lou Downe is author of Good Services, the bestselling book on how to design services that work and the founding director of the School of Good Services, an organisation that helps people to build the skills they need to design and scale great services.

They are the former Director of Design for the UK Government where they founded the discipline of service design, growing a 2000 strong team of designers into one of the largest, and most influential design teams in the UK - winning a Designs of the Year award and a D&AD lifetime achievement award.

Lou Downe

About the talk

Bad services: Why services fail and what we can do to make them work

- Barbican Centre

It can be hard to work out why great ideas don’t get implemented, harder still to work out what we can do about it.

This talk demystifies the reasons why organisations fail to deliver good services and provides clear and straightforward steps to overcome them, from understanding how to overcome organisational siloes to helping your organisation to see and understand services in the first place.

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