Nishat Akhtar

Nishat Akhtar has 15+ years experience working across brand, product and marketing for global brands like Nike, Google, Microsoft, Adobe and others. Currently Chief Creative Officer at Instrument, she oversees creative vision for the organization, leading 100+ creatives to meet a standard of excellence in design and innovation.

Additionally, Nishat sustains an ongoing illustration/art practice, collaborating with partners including The New York Times, and ACLU, while working regularly on self initiated projects. Nishat's passion for the creative community extends to giving talks and conducting art workshops worldwide, celebrating the creative instinct in everyone.

Nishat Akhtar

About the talk

Creative self care for leaders: a rewarding investment

- Barbican Centre

Leaders are facing changes today that can flatten creativity to a detriment: tools and culture are evolving as economic pressures continue, but the quest for making meaningful, beautiful work stays paramount.

In that quest, we have a duty to nurture what energises us creatively. Staying grounded in our purpose can help maintain focus and help prevent, or perhaps even recover from burnout.

In this talk Nishat will share playful approaches to pressurised situations, helping position them as opportunities to move from overwhelm to action.

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